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Circular (Circolare n. 62), dated May 6, 2024, details the implementation of legislative measures related to extraordinary wage supplementation (CIGS) and income support for workers in strategic industrial sectors and their supply chains.


Key Points:

  1. Legislative Background:

  • The circular is based on Decree-Law 4 of January 18, 2024, converted into Law 28 of March 15, 2024, which contains urgent provisions for the extraordinary administration of strategic companies.

  • The legislation aims to support workers in strategic national industries and their supply chains, especially those undergoing complex reorganization processes.

  1. CIGS for Strategic Companies:

  • Companies managing strategic national industrial plants under extraordinary administration can extend their CIGS benefits through 2024 without interruption.

  • Eligibility includes companies with at least 500 employees for one year and ongoing complex reorganization plans.

  • The circular outlines procedural, operational, and accounting instructions for accessing and managing CIGS.

  1. Income Support for Supply Chain Workers:

  • Provisions are made for income support for workers in private companies that supply goods and services to strategic national industries.

  • This support is available for up to six weeks, extendable to ten weeks, and is equivalent to 80% of the worker's lost wages due to reduced or suspended work activities.

  • The circular provides detailed procedural and accounting instructions for employers to apply for and manage this support.

  1. Procedural Guidelines:

  • Employers must submit specific forms and follow designated procedures to claim CIGS benefits and income support.

  • The document includes instructions for using the UniEmens-Cig (UNI41) system for reporting and processing these claims.

  1. Financial and Accounting Instructions:

  • Specific new accounting codes and processes have been established to handle the financial transactions related to these benefits.

  • The document details how to record and report these transactions, ensuring compliance with the new legislative requirements.

Additional Details:

  • Implementation Timeline:

  • The circular specifies that the new measures come into effect immediately following the publication dates of the respective laws.

  • It includes deadlines for submitting claims and reporting requirements.

  • Stakeholders:

  • The circular is addressed to central and territorial managers, agency heads, general and regional coordinators, and legal-medical area managers.

  • It also informs various government officials, oversight bodies, and committees involved in the administration and oversight of these measures.

The document provides comprehensive instructions for the implementation of the new legislative measures, ensuring that strategic companies and their supply chains can maintain employment and income levels during periods of industrial reorganization and financial distress.

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